Raise your hand if you like Ellen DeGeneres!


I love Ellen DeGeneres. I love her stand-up acts and her talk shows. Normally, I'm not that into stand-up acts because most comedians make fun of stereotypes or are way too political. I don't like situations where people are looked down on or bad-mouthed, especially when it's done as "comedy" to be justified. The main reason I love Ellen is she's nothing like what I've just described. She doesn't hurt people. On the contrary, she's funny, positive and inspiring. 

I laughed out loud while reading her book, "Seriously... I'm Kidding." The book doesn't focus on a specific subject; she jumps from one to the other as always. The chapters are usually short, and some of them are very creative. For example, she made one of the chapters a coloring book for readers who have kids. She also has a special chapter for those who prefer the audio book version, and it's still included in the printed book. And, as always, she has funny stories and ideas about life itself. 

I'm seriously thinking about uploading the audio book to my iPod so I can listen to a few chapters when I'm feeling down. I truly believe Ellen DeGeneres makes people happy and makes me forget my worries even for a little while.


  1. sonra o audiobooku bana da mail atsan ben de dinlesem mesela :))
    nasıl fikir
    ben hiç tanımıyorum birkaç kez showuna rastladım, doğru dürüst izlemedim ama bana da insanları tersleyen biridir gibi gelmişti
    önyargılarım çok tatlıdır :)

    ingilizce postlara Türkçe yorum yazmak serbest mi ve istediğimiz sorudan başlayabilir miyiz? :)

    1. Tabii ki istedigini istedigin yere yazabilirsin! :D Kitabi daha aramaya bile zamanim olmadi ama bulur bulmaz haber verecegim sana, yollayacagim hemen!

      The Beginning diye bir stand up DVD'si var Ellen'in. Onu izlemeni tavsiye ederim. Sonunda aglayan bir kiz var aklimdan cikmiyor.


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