It's Friday: Book Blogger Hop


(Click the picture to go to the blog running the hop)

“Let’s talk crazy book titles! Highlight one or two (or as many as you like!) titles in your personal collection that have the most interesting titles! If you can’t find any, feel free to find one on the internet!”

I'll admit there have been quite a few books that I've bought just for the title, without even really bothering to read the blurb. I'm having a hard time remembering them now, but here's 2 of the most recent ones that got me by their titles.

The Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Pötzsch
I've actually blogged about this yesterday. I haven't gotten a hold of the book yet, but I really want to soon. Even the title just makes me wonder what's going on. 


Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho
Again, just the title alone made me wonder why she decided to die, and how it all turned out. You can read my review here.

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